Christ Our Hope Lutheran Church

A Congregation of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America

Livestream for Sunday, March 23
The Third Sunday in Lent   

  (View from Highway 138)

     As followers of Christ who calls us to reconciliation and wholeness, we, the people of Christ Our Hope Lutheran Church welcome all who are seeking God.  We are deeply aware that people have sometimes been excluded from full and open participation in churches but we welcome all and exclude no one.

Messages of Hope

Sunday Services Archive


Season of Lent 

                               Wednesday spoken services of communion at 
March 26              noon.  Brief meditations and prayers will 
April 2                      provide the focus for each service.
April 9

April 13     Palm Sunday Procession of the Palms












2165 Highway 138, SW
Riverdale, GA 30296

Phone: (770) 997-3312
E-mail Address:


Worship Times
Sunday School: 8:45 am 
Worship Service: 10:00 am
(Holy Communion 1st and 3rd Sundays of the month)

Evening Prayer Service: 
            Zoom Worship time @ 7:00 pm
             I.D. 404176812; Password 741973


        The Fellowship Committee needs assistance with setting up, providing treats and cleaning up after the fellowship time. Please sign up on the sheet in the narthex.


Calvary Refuge items are now being ordered from either Kroger or Amazon. 

Prices are: Lasagnas ($18/each); Vegetables($12/4); Lettuce ($16/4bags); 6-40 oz. jars of Peanut Butter($30); 7-32 oz jars of jelly ($32.); Chips for 60 lunches($28); Cookies for 60 lunches($30); Eggs ($24); Bacon ($32) ; Juice ($15); Gallons of 2% Milk ($10).  These are estimated costs. For more information, contact Carol Meyer at (770) 461- 3448.



